Saturday, May 2, 2009

Multimedia message

My apartment comes complete with a cupboard under the stairs for harry potter

In line at the Nigerian embassy for free food.

Yes, it all matches.

Multimedia message

Both stores in one shot

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Note: To play video messages sent to email, QuickTime® 6.5 or higher is required.

I have a cat now!

MEOW! Her name is Shatzi. The previous owner named the cat, and they passed away recently. Would it be f'd up if i renamed the cat? If not, anyone have any awesome cat name suggestions?

Friday, May 1, 2009


from Land's End not surprisingly.

Multimedia message

My new backyard! cookout anyone?

Thursday, April 30, 2009

brought to you by - cake.

at work

making mens.

Art show

centerpiece made out of recycled water bottles. kinda cool.

i didnt know there were two!

This message was sent using the Picture and Video Messaging service from Verizon Wireless!

To learn how you can snap pictures and capture videos with your wireless phone visit

Note: To play video messages sent to email, QuickTime� 6.5 or higher is required.

Thanks Crossroads!

for boosting my self confidence!

Wednesday, April 29, 2009

Somebody bought themselves a lawn.

And it fits in the back of a Subaru.

Skylar's new room

I went way beyond my cleaning standards
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Get Sea Dog!


I want a pacer

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i just did something crazy

you can't see all the blood but i nicked myself A LOT shaving my head

Monday, April 27, 2009

Make up your mind

Sent via BlackBerry by AT&T

it looked a lot more dramatic in person

Just fell off a rock and fucked up my leg. It was awesome

Sunday, April 26, 2009