Saturday, February 14, 2009

Friday, February 13, 2009

a mix tape my friend made me in highschool - i found the play list haha

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new running shoes!

bastian and tobey!

This will be all over my arm tomorrow!

yay 3/4 sleeve!!

At least i got 1...

My coworkers made me this huge card! yay!

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Best Co-worker Ever

On my desk this morning from Jennifer. She's not even at work today! So sweet and sneaky.

Thursday, February 12, 2009

Fuck off, I'm busy

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New favorite office appliance

Teh machine - it folds for you!

sunday funday part duex

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sunday funday part 1

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i gots sunburned.

Tuesday, February 10, 2009


i fell

you can't tell but thats a scar on the back of my head where they removed some skull. i can walk and talk just fine ill get it back soon and then it's time to party!

Only in fayetville.

You can RENT rims at this place.

My night

Was better than yours.

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Uncle Aaron and baby Leah Kaylynn Nice <3

this is the cutest baby I have ever seen!!

and I got to hold her too!!

Monday, February 9, 2009


Shopping at Target.


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Went to maymont on sunday

A festering hell crowded with SUV strollers and fat assed rednecks.

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Sunday, February 8, 2009

2 da club pregame

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