Wednesday, October 8, 2008


Some dude killed himself 3 years ago where i am standing. I have to work here all night. Eff.


lane-fu said...

Maybe he couldn't handle all the old serial devices.

kevin kaufman :) said...

stu's going to get 404ed

Tess said...

In a server room? Seriously? I want to know the story behind this.

Anonymous said...

yes, agree with Tess - why did he choose that particular place to end his life? Do you think he wanted to haunt it for eternity or something?

stu......ಠ_ಠ said...

layed off employee blew open the door with a shotgun. shot up a bunch of equipment, then ended life with said shotgun in mouth. good times.

Tess said...

Wow...that is insane. I have difficulty understanding how a job could ever be that important. But wow. That's very extreme.

christina said...

umm so they just laid off 2 people at my work - is this what i have to look forward to tomorrow?