Wednesday, October 15, 2008

Office jobs can kill

No mor computerz!
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stu......ಠ_ಠ said...

put some of that sriracha sauce in your eye

Karen said...

why do you have sriracha sauce on your desk?

lane-fu said...

It makes notebook paper taste better.

ChuckIT said...


Tess said...


macattacklin said...

your contributions to the blog have been upstanding thus far. keep up the good work!

Rachel said...

that feeling was in epidemic form today. I was doing the same thing myself....

kevin kaufman :) said...

the way it's angled and everything you look like marv from home alone and you've just ran into the wall and in a second you're going to pick your head up and turn to the camera still with the crazy-eye look going on and your nose is going to be turned sideways and you're going to bend it back in place just like in the movie

ChuckIT said...

so that's the stock photo?