Monday, November 24, 2008

BlackBerry Storm

Just because I can't get enough. How jealous are you? And who wants to buy my LG Dare?
Sent from my Verizon Wireless BlackBerry 8330.


Taryn-Dee said...

i want it! the storm that is. how is it?

Display Name said...

It's awesome. Unfortunately I can't actually activate it yet because we have limited supplies and they don't want employees having them before customers (too late, I already do). But we have like 6 left for the 20 stores in my dealership in VA.

Pretty intense. I'll try to bring it out this week or something and let you play with it. It's great however I wouldn't recommend it as anyone's first BlackBerry.

Taryn-Dee said...

that sucks for the other 14 stores in your dealership. Why wouldn't you recommend it as someone's first BlackBerry?

Display Name said...

I wouldn't recommend it b/c getting to know the BlackBerry OS on top of getting to know a full touchscreen device may be a bit much. Also just got word that we're out for 2 weeks. Sweet black Friday for me. Good thing I haven't activated mine yet. I'm selling it for $800 cash! ahahahaha