Wednesday, November 5, 2008

I can haz internetz?

For Stu:

No! Router is now in a lock box. Work sites and Gmail only.
Sent from my Verizon Wireless BlackBerry 8330.


stu......ಠ_ಠ said...

I like that the router is locked up, but the power to it appears to be plugged into a CVS power-strip hanging right next to it.

lane-fu said...

They probably just filter on port 80.

Setup a proxy somewhere, then setup an ssh tunnel, and forward your web traffic to the proxy through the ssh tunnel

Display Name said...

I have no idea what that means lane-fu. But today I sold a phone to an IT guy who told me to google the site I want then view the cached version.

MBirch said...

yeah, that google trick works really well

lane-fu said...

I like tacos

ChuckIT said...

i like lamps

stu......ಠ_ಠ said...